EPPlus, Great Library to work with Excel in Dot Net

EPPlus is an open source .NET library. It is so good when you want to read and write Excel files (2007/2010), it makes life easy in a fast paced development requirement. I would like to give brief introduction to the developers who don’t know about it.

The Office Interop is NOT supported by MS in “server-like scenarios” like Citrix. It throws automation exceptions. I am not going into much detail there. But once you have EPPlus then there is no need to install Excel component.

Refer the link http://epplus.codeplex.com/ and download the library binaries.

In the example code below, I am creating a new excel file using a template excel file. The template file has the columns and styles defined. In the newly created file, I am just pasting the data from second row onwards.Note some of the code here is little crude, sorry about that. (Please ignore)  🙂

Create a C#Dot Net project and add a reference [Project -> Add Reference].

Add the following two lines to your module:

using OfficeOpenXml;
using OfficeOpenXml.Style;

//Writing an Excel file:

FileInfo template = new FileInfo(“T:\\template\\sampletemplate.xlsx”); 
FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(“T:\\output\\CopiedFile.xlsx”);

using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(newFile, template))
      //The new Excel file is not copied, it is still in memory

      //Get the wosksheet called SAMPLESHEET from the new excel file

ExcelWorksheet worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[“SAMPLESHEET”];

DataTable dt = GetDataTable();

      //The function code not listed and no validation added for the validation

//This populates the excel file, I wanted it to paste the data from column C and //second row

worksheet.Cells[“C2”].LoadFromDataTable(dt, false);

//I know in my code that the excel file has 14 columns, note that the 

 const int startRow = 2;

 int row = startRow;

for (int iCol = 1; iCol < 14; iCol++)

        //Change the style of all the cells  for the rows written using a style from a particular cell which had the style set

               for (int iRow = startRow; iRow < (startRow + dt.Rows.Count); iRow++)
                   worksheet.Cells[iRow, iCol].StyleID = worksheet.Cells[startRow, 3].StyleID;


      //The template file has more than 10000 rows,  deleting the extra rows and just keeping rows written from datatable.

worksheet.DeleteRow((startRow + dt.Rows.Count), (worksheet.Dimension.End.Row – dt.Rows.Count));

//This will save the file as T:\\output\\CopiedFile.xlsx


Reading an excel file

using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(existingFile))

// get the first worksheet in the workbook
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[1];

//Get start and end range values from the excel file.

var start = worksheet.Dimension.Start;
var end = worksheet.Dimension.End;

for (int iRow = 2; iRow <= end.Row; iRow++)

string cellval = (string)worksheet.Cells[iRow, 1].Value;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellval) == false)

//Perform required action


//usage of LINQ – Get all the values from column D, then filter it

var dValues = from cell in worksheet.Cells[“D2:D” + worksheet.Dimension.End.Row.ToString()]
where cell.Value.ToString().Equals(worksheet.Cells[irow, 4].Value.ToString())
select cell;

//Copy range of values from a spreadsheet to another. The code for creating errorworksheet is not given here

worksheet.Cells[string.Format(“C{0}:T{0}”, irow)].Copy(errorworksheet.Cells[string.Format(“C{0}:T{0}”, errrowcnt+2)]);
